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Wednesday 25 July 2012

The big pour – but we dry out

Installing the hemcrete took place amidst almost continuous rain, broken only by the occasional torrential downpours.  It would be difficult to plan more difficult weather in which to carry out a hemcrete build.  

Despite the adverse weather the shuttering was completed in around 4 days and the hemcrete installed in just over three.  Shuttering was left in place over the week-end - a little longer than recommended – but the alternative was to risk the wet mixture being eroded away by frequent torrential rain.  

As it was a storm broke the day after the shuttering was struck and it is a tribute to the expertise and determination of Jason and his team that the still wet hemcrete all stayed firmly in place.

Since then the weather has at last changed for the better and after three days of warm sun the walls are starting to dry out – though at 300mm thick there is still much water left to find its way to the surface and drying will not be complete for several months.

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