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The first six months

We took possession in February 2011 – though didn’t move on site until later. The one acre site with an old farmhouse in very poor condition is situated within the boundaries of our youngest daughters farm near Chipping Campden in rolling Cotswold countryside.

West elevation 
Our plans are to build a timber framed sustainable house based on passive house principles – one which is very energy and water efficient and uses natural materials and local labour wherever possible.  We were fortunate to locate a 35ft mobile home only a few miles away and even more fortunate to find out that the owner was a stone mason who new someone who could move it and was also interested in helping the build.  Once we took up residence on site the challenge began.  If you are contemplating a new build be prepared for lots of red tape and long delays.  Topographical, tree and bat surveys are all necessary before architects can finalise plans and planning permission can be sought; however enthusiastically these are pursued, they all take longer than expected.

South elevation
Fences needed erecting, hedges were planted, water piped to the van and electricity brought on site. Negotiating with Central Networks (who changed to become Western Power during our negotiations) was prolonged and took place mostly by email despite several problems on site. It was only after a chance visit by an E-On engineer checking local pylons that we managed to get a site visit. After much discussion (and several expensive estimates) we decided to bring the mains into a meter box we constructed at the edge of our property as near to the transformer pole as possible.  By digging all the trenches, procuring and laying the ducting and using a local electrical contractor, we were able to speed up the process and reduce the bill considerably.

East elevation
Planning was a frustrating process consisting of first of all requesting an extension to the planning already on site - to extend the existing property. We made it clear that we didn’t intend to act on this but had been recommended to do so to retain “live” planning permission on site. Nevertheless we found ourselves preparing energy statements for a house we intended to knock down, photographs being taken of work we were not going to do, and a notice at the end of the drive saying we had requested an extension.  Our pre-planning application included full architects plans together with a detailed brief of what we hoped to build but we had no opportunity for discussion with the planners. We therefore submitted a full application and received planning permission (with conditions) over four months later. 

The compulsory bat survey revealed that bats had at one time used the roof of the old farmhouse. Further monitoring was necessary in the early summer and, as a result, we were advised that alternative bat accommodation would probably be required before demolition could take place. A large enclosed area has therefore been constructed in the adjacent barn.  At the time of writing we have finally received permission from Natural England to demolish the old farmhouse so we can make a start on the foundations in the New Year.
North elevation
Recent changes to building regulations place greater emphasis on improved insulation, reduction in water use and greater energy efficiency including the use of renewables. 10kW of solar PV panels have already been installed on the barn and the house will also benefit from passive solar gain and much of its water will be heated from solar thermal panels on the kitchen roof. Overall Colemans Hill Farm Eco House is expected to be zero energy (ie. the amount of energy generated by the house from on-site renewable energy sources is equal to or more than the amount of energy used).  The timber frame will have hemcrete walls which many regard as carbon negative and rainwater from the barn and house will be harvested and used to supply toilets and a washing machine; surplus water will be fed to a wild pond in the lower garden.